シメトリンの水稲に対する薬害発現の機構 : 温湿度条件と葉位別消長との関係
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In order to clearify the mechanism of phytotoxicity against rice plants caused by soil treatment of simetryne, the effects of several enviromental conditions, especially the air humidity, to the phytotoxic symptoms and to the content of simetryne in rice plants were investigated. Simetryne was applied on the watersurface of submerged soil after transplanting the rice seedlings. The results are as follows. 1. Necrosis of lower leaves of main stem and of tiller leaves was the main symptom of simetryne phytotoxicity at the early stage, thereafter these symptoms were observed in upper leaves. Dry weights and number of tillers of rice plants reduced remarkably by simetryne application. The degree of those reduction showed good relation with the applied dose of simetryne and with the saturation deficit. 2. The content of simetryne in rice plants was higher at lower humidity and in lower leaves than at higher humidity and in upper leaves. The degree of phytotoxicity was closely related with the content of simetryne in rice plants, and the maximum content of simetryne was found at one or two days after treatment. 3. Detached leaves were dipped into dilute solution containing simetryne, and the amounts of simetryne found in the test leaves were compared with theoretical amounts translocated from solution. The ratio of these two amounts was postulated as the rate of metabolism of simetryne, which showed no difference among leaf positions of rice plants. 4. It is said that simetryne may move in rice plant along the apoplast system. The upper phytomer units of the rice plants treated with simetryne did not fully developed, and this phenomenon seems to suggest that simetryne phytotoxicity has a close relation with the development degree of phytomer units in rice plants.
- 日本雑草学会の論文
- 1981-11-25
田中 文隆
田中 文隆
田中 文隆
佐合 隆一
佐合 隆一
西 静雄
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- 2 水稲・タイヌビエに対するピラゾスルフロンエチル混合剤の作用 (第2報)
- 32 水田雑草の発生診断法に関する研究 : 第2報 除草剤の使用による雑草の遷移と発生診断法について
- 17.Brassinolideの処理方法とトウモロコシの雌穂先端不稔との関係について (第22回大会研究発表抄録)
- 17 Brassinolideの処理方法とトウモロコシ雌穂先端不稔との関係について
- 23 雑草の発生密度と除草剤の効果変動について
- 水田作におけるクサネムの生態と防除
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- 55 抗生物質サイトバリシンの除草活性
- 26 SL49と有機リン系除草剤との相互作用
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- 69. 雑草の発生密度・土壌の吸着と除草剤の効果変動について (第3報)
- 57. 雑草の発生密度と除草剤の効果変動について (第2報)
- 12 畑地用除草剤のvapor actionとその変動要因
- 21 Brassinolideの除草剤薬害軽減効果 : Simetrynの薬害軽減機構
- シメトリンの水稲に対する薬害発現の機構 : 温湿度条件と葉位別消長との関係
- 10. シメトリンの水稲における吸収量と薬害について
- 8. 水田隣接畑におけるキュウリ枯凋症状に関する試験
- 20. ジフェニルエーテル系除草剤の土壌残留性について
- 7 グリホサートの作用性に関する研究 (1) : 他剤との混用について
- 6 ビラゾスルフロンエチル混合剤の水稲・タイヌビエに対する作用
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- 49. DCPAおよびベンタゾンの水稲に対する影響
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- 38. DCPAと有機リン系殺虫剤との連用害に関する試験
- 34. 光合成阻害剤の発芽阻害作用について
- アメリカネナシカズラに対する土壌処理型除草剤の防除効果