- 論文の詳細を見る
The author investigated the physiological and ecological characteristics of C. serotinus, a perennial weed in paddy fields, during its whole life cycle, together with agronomic and chemical methods of control, and designed an effective integrated control system. This study was carried out at Chiba Agricultural Experiment Station during the period from 1966 to 1976. 1. The life cycle is divided into 4 stages, emergence, propagation, tuber formation, and preparation for emergence. Reproduction occurs by seeds, tubers, base of shoots, base of new shoot-tubers, and stolon, but mainly by tubers. 2. Characteristics and factors affecting tuber sprouting were analysed. The results indicated that oxygen supply is the most important factor for tuber sprouting, and that, in the fields, soil moisture content exerts an important influence on emergence from tubers in relation to oxygen supply. 3. Effect of temperature, fertilizer elements and light on the propagation was examined. Results showed that competition for nutrients between rice plants and C. serotinus may be one of the reasons for the retarded propagation in rice fields, but the major limiting factor for the propagation of C. serotinus is presumed to be light intensity, since in any case the propagation was more inhibited when the growth of rice plant was more active compared to that of the weed. 4. Factors affecting tuber formation were examined. Day-length as well as temperature was found to be an important factor affecting tuber formation, it appeared and that the number of tubers is determined by the number of plants, and also by the factors affecting propagation of plants. 5. To analyse the effects of C. serotinus on growth and yield of rice, C. serotinus was planted at different times and different densities in paddy fields under various methods of rice cultivation. The results indicate that the dominancy of rice plants in the competition for light with C. serotinus causes less crop damage by the weed. The yield component which contributed most to the rice yield reduction was the decrease in panicle number, followed by the decrease in grain number per panicle. 6. With regard to agronomic control methods, the effect of plowing and puddling was examined. Turn-over plowing in winter was effective to kill reproductive organs. Puddling was highly effective in killing both overwintering organs and shoots that have sprouted at the time of puddling, by burying them in the soil. Puddling combined with turn-over plowing in winter killed about 80% of the reproductive organs. In the fields of early season rice cultivation, plowing immediately after the rice harvest was also very effective in preventing tuber formation. In this case, rotary plowing was more effective than turn-over plowing. 7. As for the herbicidal control, soil treatment after rice transplanting, foliage treatment with paraquat prior to puddling, and foliage treatment after rice harvest were analysed, and their suitability for effective control was evaluated. 8. Based on the above results, an integrated control system for transplanted early-season rice cultivation was designed as shown in Fig. 9.
- 日本雑草学会の論文
- 1983-08-05
- 極早生水稲ナツヒカリの多収要因の解析
- 多年生雑草コウキヤガラの生態 : 第1報 塊茎からの出芽特性
- 10 コウキヤガラ塊茎の出芽に関する諸要因
- 1 箱育苗における播種貯蔵について
- 早期水稲跡極晩播ダイズの不耕起バラ播栽培
- ミズガヤツリ-その生態と防除法について
- ミズガヤツリの生活過程の解析と防除に関する研究
- ミズガヤツリの生活過程の解析と防除に関する研究
- 作期を異にした場合の水田雑草の発生消長と葉数の推移について
- 18. 高知県における雑草の発生状況と除草剤の利用実態
- 生育中期の深水管理が早期水稲の生育収量に及ぼす影響(第27回講演要旨)
- 水田多年生雑草ミズガヤツリ・ウリカワの発生消長,葉数の推移と気温との関係
- 7-13 千葉県における稲作の地域性と施肥法に関する研究 : 湛水散播直播栽培の地域性の土壌肥料的検討(水田土壌の肥沃度)
- 水田多年生雑草防除に関する研究-9-クログワイの耕種操作による防除法
- 水田多年生雑草防除に関する研究-7-水稲の生育・収量に及ぼすミズガヤツリの影響
- 水田の緑藻類の生態と防除に関する2,3の知見
- 17. 水稲生育期におけるクログワイの防除について
- ウリカワの生態とその防除に関する研究
- 7. ウリカワの生態とその防除
- 12 箱育苗におけるF319のムレ苗発生防止効果
- PCPによる水稲の生育調節に関する研究 : 第2報 PCP処理が水稲稈の諸形質に及ぼす影響
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- 再生稲に関する研究 : 第2報 再生量に及ぼす施肥条件ならびに化学物質の影響 (第143回講演会)
- PCP 処理による水稲の倒伏防止効果について (第142回講演会)
- 再生稲に関する研究 : 第1報 二,三の処理が出穂分けつ発生に及ぼす影響 (第141回講演会)
- 除草剤による水稲生育期のミズガヤツリ防除に関する研究
- 2. 水稲生育期におけるミズガヤツリの防除に関する試験
- 水田多年生雑草防除に関する研究-8-クログワイの生理生態的特性について
- 33. 遮光処理が多年生雑草の生育に及ぼす影響
- 水稲稚苗箱育苗におけるムレ苗発生に関する研究
- 19. クログワイの生態 : 主として発生生態について
- 水稲の風害に関する調査研究
- 水稲稚苗箱育苗におけるムレ苗発生の防止に関する研究 : 第1報 ヒドロキシイソキサゾールのムレ苗発生防上効果と苗の生育におよぼす影響
- 70 稚苗育苗におけるムレ苗の発生機構について