A 300-MeV Proton Beam Line with Energy Degrader for Medical Science
- 論文の詳細を見る
The design of a proton beam line for medical science is presented. A proton beam of energy ranging from 150 to 300 MeV is obtained by decelerating the 500-MeV KEK booster synchrotron beam in a carbon energy degrader. Problems associated with the use of the energy degrader in the beam line are discussed in detail. The available proton intensity at 250 MeV is estimated to be 2×10^9 protons per pulse with a repetition rate of 20 Hz. The beam line provides an achromatic, horizontal beam and a vertical beam. The former is suitable for proton diagnosis, and the availability of both the horizontal and the vertical beam increases the usefulness of proton radiotherapy.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1983-10-20
Takada Yoshihisa
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
Institute of Physics,University of Tsukuba
Takikawa Koji
Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba
SUWA Shigeki
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Suwa Shigeki
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Suwa Shigeki
Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba
Takada Yoshihisa
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
Kurihara Daiki
Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba:(present Address)oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd.
Tachikawa Akira
Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba:(present Address)particle Radiation Medical Science Cente
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