Theoretical Study of Subpicosecond Pulse Amplification in XeF(C-A)
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The feasibility of using XeF(C-A) excimer media as an amplifier for subpicosecond short pulse lasers is theoretically investigated. Numerical caculations by using a coherent interaction model show that as a result of both a large saturation energy density and bleaching of absorbers output energy densities of < 100 mJ/cm^2 are easily obtained. Influence of narrow band absorption of excited xenon metastable atoms on the amplifier gain and pulse waveform is also predicted.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1992-07-15
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- Grating Formation in Fe:LiNbO_3 Photorefractive Crystal by Chirped 800-nm Femtosecond Laser Pulses Operated at 1kHz
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- Dual-Wavelength Operation of a Flashlamp Pumped Narrow-Linewidth Ti:Sapphire Laser
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- Cr
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