- 論文の詳細を見る
It is required to evaluate a regional planning with its realizable living environments in the region such as residents' accessibilities to infrastructures, for which detailed information about their allocation and population distribution in the objective area are necessary. In the paper, a basic concept of a model is proposed which provides such information using detailed numerical land information (standard 1 km mesh data), on the condition that the macro economic frame and total population for the area are given by an aggregated long range regional planning model of the country. The model consists of two intraregional allocation submodels, population and investent model, which determine detailed distributions of population (and land use simultaneously) and infrastructures within a region of a district size at a certain time point, given the total population and available amount of investments for the region. The first submodel is a simulation type model determining the population distribution based on past trends and policy variables for future population expansion under land constraints. Principal component analysis (PCA) and regression analysis (RA) are applied to clarify basic structures determining the patterns of the population distribution in relation to natural conditions. The results of these analyses are reflected in the model structure. The second one is an optimum model incorporating an otpimizing allocation algorithm so that the total value of conveniences of inhabitants measured by access distances to the infrastructures are maximized based on the population distribution obtained by the former model. A case study applied for the Kanto district is made to investigate validity and feasibility of the hierarchical framework of the analysis using the two submodels. Reasonable results are obtained for several alternatives about the population distribution for the future. The results of the PCA and RA, model structures and some results of the case study are presented briefly.
- 日本シミュレーション学会の論文
- 1981-12-15
熊野 長次郎
石谷 久
石谷 久
熊野 長次郎
石谷 久
- 創立30周年に当たって
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- シミュレーション工学 : II.シミュレーション技法
- シミュレーション工学 : I.概論
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