中世神社本殿の形式分類とその地域的分布 (上)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The form of shrines' main halls are classified into the four types. And each type can be subdivided further. The classified list as follows : [table] Some of these subdivided types which have a feature of the geograpical distribution are explained. (1) NAGARE-ZUKURI, Kohai-tsuki type; This type is distributed mainly in the Shiga Prefecture. In the Prefectures of Kyoto, Nara and Hyogo, only the ordinary type is distributed. (2) KASUGA-ZUKURI; The ordinary type is distributed in the small region of the Nara and near. The Sumigiiri type is distributed in the area except Nara and near.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1968-09-30
- 徳島県勝浦郡上勝町の民家 : 建築歴史・建築意匠
- 中世神社本殿の形式分類とその地域的分布 (下)
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- 中世神社本殿の形式分類とその地域的分布 (上)
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