鋼構造接合部の破壊に関する非線形破壊力学的考察 : その 2・T 継手の破壊性状の検討
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In previous paper, it was shown that J_<IC> fracture criterion was able to estimate the fracture in both linear and non linear regions. And it was comfirmed that J-value was calculated by the finite element method. In this paper, we apply J_<IC> fracture criterion to the fracture of Tee Connection modeled Steel Structure Beamto-Column Connection. When we apply non linear fracture mechanics, we confuse that a crack is very short. A crack of the steel structure is generaly very short, but J-integral is defined with the deep notch. So we investigate that the crack length have an effect on J-integral, and apply J_<IC> fracture criterion to Tee welded joints. The results are shown as follows.(1) A condition of a crack initiation changes with stress conditions. And tbe condition of a crack initiation by J_<IC> fracture criterion is equal to the condition of it by a strain. (2) J-values of crack initiation becomes small in proportion to a multi-strees-condition, and approach a critical J_<IC>-value. This J_<IC> fracture criterion can be applyed to the steel frame constructions.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1976-01-30
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