模型船による波浪中航走時の船体強度に関する研究 : (第二報) 波長の影響について
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On the problems of the dynamical strength of ships going in waves, we have tried the expreriments in the experimental tank by towing the six metre model ship, made of brass, and the influence of wave heights were discussed in the first report.In the present paper, we deal with the results of the experiments when wave heights are constant H_w=23.0cm, in comparatively light draught d=20.0cm, and on various wave lengths and ship speeds.By experiments, we find the fundamental properties on the slamming which were obtained in the former experiments are also applicable to the case of any wave lengths.Particularly, on the slamming zone, the following conclusions are obtained.(1) The slamming becomes most violent when wave length L_w=600cm (μ=L_w/L=1.00), and ship speed V_m=1.4M/Sec. (〓=1.1), throughout all wave lengths and ship speeds.(2) The wave length in which the slamming becomes violent is the wave of shorter length than ship length at low speed, and the wave of longer length than ship length at high speed.(3) The minimum wave length which causes the slamming is L_<ws>=380cm (L_<ws>/L=0.63).(4) The minimum wave height which causes the slamming is H_<ws>=13.0cm (L/H_<ws>=46.2).(5) The minimum ship speed which causes the slamming is V_<ms>=0.52M/Sec. (〓=0.41).(6) The wave length at the minimum ship speed which causes the slamming is L_w=460cm(L_w/L=0.77).
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