- 論文の詳細を見る
The effect of the shape of load exceedance distribution on fatigue crack growth behaviour under random amplitude loadings has beeen investigated. Fatigue crack growth tests were conducted under load spectra which were derived from a two-parameter Weibull distribution Q(ΔP/σ)=exp(-k(ΔP/σ)^<1/k>) Q : Probability of ΔP exceeding σ ΔP : Load range σ,k : Weibull parameters Three kinds of spectra,i.e. convex, linear and concave shapes in load-log exceedance curve were generated choosing the Weibull parameter, k, in the above equation as 1/2, 1 and 2 respectively. The fatigue crack growth behaviour under the spectra was discussed in terms of equivalent stress intensity factor, ΔK_<eq>, which was calculated from a linear cumulative damage law. The effect of the shape of the load exceedance distribution on the fatigue crack growth was significant in order of the concave, the linear and the convex shape in low ΔK_<eq> region. In this region, the fatigue cracks under the random loadings propagated faster than those under constant amplitude loading. Even in the region where the K_<eq> Was smaller than K_<th> obtained from the constant amplitude test, fatigue crack growth was observed under the load spectra. On the other hand, the difference in crack growth among the spectra was not found in intermediate K_<eq> region. The fatigue crack growth retardation was observed in this region. The relationship between crack growth rate and stress intensity factor range under the random amplitude loadings was examined for various orders of equivalent stress intensity factor, such as root-mean-square, root-mean-cube values. It is concluded that the fatigue propagation lives under the random amplitude loadings can be conservatively estimated in terms of the equivalent stress intensity factor which corresponds to the slope of log da/dN-logK relationship obtained from the constant amplitude test, if the K<th> is ignored.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
川原 正言
岩崎 紀夫
加藤 昭彦
加藤 昭彦
加藤 昭彦
日本鋼管 エンジニアリング研
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