義歯洗浄効果の臨床的観察 : 義歯床下粘膜の色調変化
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Recently, denture stomatitis was found iua the oral mucosa of most denture wearers. It is generally accepted that the significant cause of denture stomatitis are infection with Candida albicans. Dentists indicate that the denture plaque with Candida albicans is removed from denture surface by both mechanical denture cleaning and chemical denture cleaning. The color in the oral mucosa depends on the infection such as gingivitis and denture stomatitis. The purpose of this study is to exatnine the effect of the denture cleaner on the oral mucosa in the Candida-induced denture stomatitis by the change of the color in the oral mucosa. The results were as follows : 1. The denture stomatitis became well after chemical denture cleaner was used. Especially, the infection at the posterior of palate were not found. 2. The infection region have 2.8R〜5.1R in Hue, 5.7〜6.1 in Chroma, 6.8〜7.7 in Value. On the contrary, the non-infection re gion have 3.8R〜7.5R in Hue, 6.4〜6.9 in Chroma, 4.0〜6.4 in Value. 3. The color difference between the denture-bearing mucosa when no chemical denture cleaner was used and that when denture cleaner was used, provided a method for estimating the effect of the denture cleaner. The greater color differettce xvere found at the palate.
- 社団法人日本補綴歯科学会の論文
- 1990-12-01
河野 文昭
松本 直之
羽田 勝
中原 信光
宮村 ひろみ
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