2. 低温プラズマ放電の基礎(<小特集>プラズマ応用技術におけるシミュレーション研究)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this article, we deal with weakly ionized gas discharges as low temperature plasmas. First, the electron swarm theory is outlined in order to bring the electron behavior in such plasmas into relief, which highlights similarity law and hydrodynamic regime as a specific nature of electron avalanche in static electric fields. Next, a study of electron dynamics in a high frequency electric field ranging from 100MHz to 1GHz is presented to show a coupling analysis associated with Maxwell's equations and the Langevin equation. With the help of a Monte Carlo simulation for electrons, this analysis enables us to estimate the depth of energy injection from the oscillating external field to plasma reactors. A simple self-consistent scheme to investigate the ignition process of the high frequency plasmas is also suggested.
- 社団法人プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
- 2004-02-25
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