蚊の Age に関する研究 VI : フイラリア症流行地における媒介蚊集団の Age 構成と疫学的意義について
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Two field surveys were carried out in filariasis endemic areas in order to assess the relationship between ages of mosquitoes and their infection with various stages of developing filarial larvae. One survey was done in Okino Erabu Island, in the southwestern part of this country, where bancroftian filariasis has been endemic with a microfilaraemia rate of about 10% among the inhabitants. Here Culex pipiens fatigans is the only certain vector. Another survey was carried out in Hachijo-Koshima Island, a small islet some 250km south of Tokyo in the Pacific Ocean. This is the only site of malayan filariasis so far known in Japan with a microfilaraemia rate of 19% among inhabitants at the time of our examination, Aedes togoi is the only vector. In both islands female mosquitoes were collected inside houses from 20 to 22 hours nightly by using sucking tubes and were dissected on the following morning. First the ovary was isolated and the physiological age of the individual mosquito was determined by observing the number of relics at pedicel of the ovariole, according to Detinova's method (1962). The whole body was then dissected out and examined for filarial larvae. Among 349 dissected mosquitoes of C. pipiens fatigans, which were caught resting indoor at Okino Erabu Island in May, 1963, 50.7% were nulliparous, 39.70% uniparous, 8.65% biparous and 0.89% triparous. Of these 45.2% were found to have fed. Although 8.8% were infected, the infective rate was 0.29%. It is of interest to note that the infected rate increased with an increase of age of the mosquitoes : i. e., 7.06% were infected among nulliparous, 9.77% among uniparous, 10.34% among biparous and 66.7% among triparous. This naturally follows, since the older mosquitoes have had more opportunities to take infective bloodmeals. The nulliparous mosquitoes also were often found to be infected; however, all larvae were in the early phase of development. And most noteworthy is the fact that the mature infective larvae were found only in the biparous and older mosquitoes. This suggests that the age composition of the population, particularly the relative proportion of biparous and older groups is of prime importance as a factor to be considered in connection with the transmission of the infection to man. The results obtained with Aedes togoi in Hachijo-Koshima Island in August, 1963 showed the same trend as that described above. Among 108 mosquitoes dissected, 43.3% were nulliparous, 46.3% uniparous, 9.3% biparous and 0.93% triparous. Of these, 77.8% had fed, 6.48% were infected, and 1.85% were infective. The rate of infected mosquitoes was 2.13% among nulliparous, 6.0% among uniparous, and 33% among biparous. The infective larvae could be detected only in the biparous mosquitoes. In both areas the rate of infected mosquitoes was higher among those collected from houses where microfilarial carriers dwelt, than among those collected from houses of non-carriers. However, the infective rate was no different among mosquitoes in either carriers' houses or those of non-carrieres. Since the mosquitoes could have moved around for a considerable distance by the time ingested microfilariae reached the mature stage, it is reasonable to find infective mosquitoes in either kind of house. Hence it is recognized that any of the inhabitants of the area were exposed to the same risk of infection in their respective areas. In both endemic areas no significant trends to familial aggregation of infected cases were observed.
- 1965-09-30
- 八丈小島におけるマレー糸状虫症及びその媒介蚊の地域的駆除の試み : とくに DDT 粉剤のヘリコプター撒布について
- 34 アオキツメトゲブユの日周活動(予報)
- 化学不妊剤の蚊体内フィラリア発育に及ぼす影響(第 19 回大会講演要旨)
- Culex pipiens fatigans の自然界における寿命について(第 19 回大会講演要旨)
- 寄生虫学および衛生動物学の教育について(第 22 回大会講演要旨)
- 蚊体内における糸状虫感染幼虫の分布と移動の周期性について(第 21 回大会講演要旨)
- 千葉県下の恙虫病調査研究 V : 房総半島南部に於ける恙虫の季節消長
- 15 クロゴキブリの日周活動について
- 蚊体成分のディスク電気泳動像について(第 23 回大会講演要旨)
- 蚊の種類ととりこまれたミクロフィラリア (Brugia pahangi) の消失過程の関係(第 22 回大会講演要旨)
- 妙高高原におけるブユ幼虫駆除の研究
- クロゴキブリ幼虫期の雌雄判別
- 1 グアテマラのオンコセルカ症対策 : 疫学・寄生虫学的考察(グァテマラにおけるオンコセルカ症の衛生動物学的研究)
- グァテマラにおけるオンコセルカ症の衛生動物学的研究
- 3 フィラリア症の伝播にかゝわる要因(節足動物媒介性疾患の伝播動態)
- 12 チャバネゴキブリ幼虫の各令期における生育日数の雌雄差
- 26 ブユ幼虫寄生線虫の生態(予報)
- 伝染病媒介蚊の疫学的研究 : とくにマレー糸状虫症媒介蚊の発見, 蚊の令構成解析など
- 横浜市街地における蚊の消長(昭和 44 年 ∿ 昭和 49 年)
- 9 チャバネゴキブリの生活史
- 10 チャバネゴキブリ幼虫期の令期判別
- 20 ウマバエ (Gasterophilus intestinalis) 幼虫と寄生部位の胃粘膜病変の走査電子顕微鏡による觀察
- 77 フェノール類の蚊に対する産卵誘引性
- 52 ウシバエおよびキスジウシバエの走査電子顕微鏡による觀察
- 14 高尾山一水系におけるブユ幼虫, 蛹の季節的消長
- 51 自然集団で観察したクロゴキブリの発育について
- 44 ブユの日周活動と環境因子の関係について
- 食餌混入法および浸漬法による Metepa, Hempa のチカイエカに対する不妊効力試験
- 蚊の Age に関する研究 VI : フイラリア症流行地における媒介蚊集団の Age 構成と疫学的意義について
- コガタアカイエカとシロハシイエカの生態学的比較(第 21 回大会講演要旨)
- 邦産各種蚊の Brugia pahangi に対する感受性について(第 21 回大会講演要旨)
- 接触法による Metepa, Hempa のチカイエカ成虫に対する不妊効力試験
- 蚊の Age に関する研究 VII : 閉鎖空間におけるチカイエカ集団の Age 構成について
- 東南アジア地域における糸状虫症の現状 (第 18 回大会講演要旨)
- 化学不妊剤のチカイエカに対する不妊効果について (第 18 回大会講演要旨)
- 蚊の Age に関する研究 V. : アカイエカ幼虫駆除が成虫の Age 構成に及ぼす影響
- 蚊の Age に関する研究 IV : 野外で採集されるアカイエカ集団の Age 構成について
- 蚊の Age に関する研究 III : アカイエカにおける Physiological Age と Calendar Age の関係について
- 蚊の Age に関する研究 : II. アカイエカとトウゴウヤブカにおける Age 判定の二三の方法の比較
- 蚊の Age に関する研究 : I. アカイエカ卵巣における産卵後の変化による Age 判定について
- アカイエカとチカイエカの自然集団における Age 判定と Age 構成の変動について(第 16 回大会講演要旨)
- 蚊の日本脳炎ウイルスに対する感受性について(第 16 回大会講演要旨)
- 蚊の脳炎ウイルスに対する反応について-中和抗体様物質の産生について(第 15 回大会講演要旨)