- 論文の詳細を見る
Some recent models for transmission dynamics of malaria and Japanese encephalitis have incorporated non-random selection of host individuals by vector mosquitoes or selection of alternative host species according to relative host density and attractiveness. Effects of these factors on transmission dynamics were evaluated in terms of the basic reproductive rate of pathogens (R) and infection rates of host and vector populations. Dye and Hasibeder (1986) and Hasibeder and Dye (1988) suggested that non-homogeneous contact between vector and host populations increases R and contributes to persistence of malaria infection, although the proportion of infected humans does not always increase with increased non-homogeneity. Kingsolver's model (Kingsolver, 1987) showed that preference of infected hosts to healthy hosts in vector mosquitoes also contributes to malaria persistence. A simple model for malaria control by use of bednets was presented here, which incorporated blood-seeking behavior among humans using and not using bednets. If mosquitoes attack unprotected people more frequently than before the use of bednets in the area, malaria control may be difficult because R can increase due to introduced non-homogeneity in vector-human contact. Sota and Mogi (1989a, b) used a model system of one vector species with two bloodmeal host species to analyze variable influences of livestock density on malaria and Japanese encephalitis dynamics. They suggested that zooprophylaxis for malaria control may fail when introduced livestock provide more bloodmeals for mosquitoes and contribute to an increase in mosquito density. In their model for Japanese encephalitis, relative density of humans to swine and host preference in mosquitoes determine the risk of human infection. The model suggested that the human risk is at maximum when mosquitoes feed equally on humans and swine, and that a high human risk is present even at low swine densities because of strong preference for swine in mosquitoes.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1992-03-15
- 1. インドネシア・スラウェシ島産両生類および爬虫類の住血原虫について(動物分類学会第28回大会記事)
- 温帯日本におけるヤブカ 3 稀種の分布地新記録
- ジョン・メイナードニスミス著/巌佐 庸・原田祐子訳(1995)「進化遺伝学」産業図書.378ページ.定価5400円.
- A-6 トウゴウヤブカにおける無吸血産卵および翅長の地理的変異
- A-14 密度依存的自然淘汰のもとでの autogeny の進化(蚊の個体群)
- 蚊の吸血動物選択様式と媒介疾病の動態
- C8 熱帯・温帯産トウゴウヤブカAedes togoiの繁殖特性の比較(群集・個体群・生態学)
- 桐谷圭治・志賀正和編(1990)「天敵の生態学」.166+15頁.東海大学出版会.
- 3 温帯産トウゴウヤブカにおける autogeny 発現の季節的変異
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- MacFadyen, A. & Ford, E.D. (eds.). 1986. Advances in ecological research. Vol. 15. Academinc Press, London.
- A-1 石垣島におけるコガタハマダラカ幼虫と捕食性天敵について
- 4 石垣島の牛舎におけるコガタハマダラカの終夜採集結果
- 55 広水域に発生する蚊の幼虫個体群の絶対密度(総個体数)の推定法
- 佐賀市における蚊吸血被害に関するアンケート調査
- 18 佐賀市における水流管理によるアカイエカ駆除の可能性
- 27 ヒトスジシマカとリバースシマカの幼虫棲息場所選択
- 4 シマカ亜属の卵の乾燥耐性
- 14 ブタのサイズとコガタアカイエカ吸血数の関係
- 68 佐賀県北部のヒトスジシマカとリバースシマカ : 成虫期の種間関係
- 66 佐賀市の人家におけるヒトスジシマカ発生源
- 57 ネッタイシマカ発生量調査への存在頻度法の適用可能性
- 54 Mosquito-net による蚊媒介疾病対策の理論的検討
- 11 Mosquito-net によるマラリアコントロールの理論的検討 : 1. 基本モデル
- 1 佐賀県北部におけるリバースシマカの分布
- 29 蚊の吸血源動物の飼育が人への吸血被害に及ぼす影響についての理論的解析
- 28 佐賀市における蚊の吸血被害についてのアンケート調査