新製品開発における"顧客の顧客"戦略 : 化学産業の実証分析を通して(<特集>製品開発マネジメントの新潮流)
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The present work discusses effective management of new product development in the chemical industry. Most of the preceding studies on the management of product development concerned assembly or system products/industries, and empirical studies on the chemical industry have been relatively scarce. The paper shows that patterns in concept development is a decisive managerial factor for successful projects by statistical analysis of the product development projects in Japanese major chemical businesses. The theory of product development management states generally that customers' requirements should be closely followed in the development of industrial products, as opposed to the development of consumer products where potential needs should be exploited. Analysis shows, however, that proposing concepts to customers based on anticipated needs of end users (customers' customers) is important also for successful development of industrial products. The present work examines conditions under which this "customers' customers" approach, which aims at satisfaction of end users, is effective.
- 研究・技術計画学会の論文
- 2004-08-25
- 研究開発パフォーマンスとコミュニケーション : マルチエージェント・シミュレーションと事例分析を通して
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- 新製品開発における"顧客の顧客"戦略 : 化学産業の実証分析を通して(製品開発マネジメントの新潮流)
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