- 論文の詳細を見る
Although considerably strong in terms of the number of patents and research papers, Japanese science and technology still suffer from relatively poor quality. International relationship of the scientific community, particularly cooperation with Asian countries, ahs yet to be fully developed. Enhancement of Japanese science and technology will require increase in public financing and training of high-level researchers, e.g. those with doctor's degree. A system which deals flexibly with changes corresponding to general trends of science and technology and which permits recruiting and fostering high-level researchers including those from other countries. The "fundamental research" campaign in the last decade has actually resulted in overemphasis of fundamental sciences, although the concept meant originally the importance of creative aspect in every phase of any research. The research activities in national laboratories and laboratories of local authorities should be more focused on application-oriented development, leaving discovery-oriented research for universities long with education. The administration should be restructured to promote cooperation among different sections by a more effective coordination among them. Heightened activity of the Science and Technology Council and increasing administrators acquainted with scientific activities are other tasks imposed on the administrative sector.
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