- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan it was about 1955 when partial substitution of nitroglycol was initiated for nitroglycerine as a staple ingredient of dynamite, and in 1960 the mixing rate rose up to 60%. In the summer of 1960 six fatal cases from nitroglycol poisoning in two dynamite factories were reported and roused keen social concern. At that time the concentration of nitroglycol in the air of cartridge-making, wrapping, or packing rooms was often above 0.5 ppm. But at present the concentration has been notably decreased through such means as improvement of exhaust ventilation, suppression of the elevation of material temperature, and especially keeping the mixing rate of nitroglycol below 30%. At present there are almost no working room where the concentration of nitroglycol is above 0.25 ppm, which is MAC in the air as adviced desirable by the Ministry of Labor for the control of nitroglycol poisoning in December 1960 and in May 1961. However, it still remains as a problem that protection of the skin of the workers in the above stated working rooms is not yet satisfactory. On the other hand, many clinical as well as experimental investigations have been made in order to provide adequate curative as well as preventive measures for nitroglycol workers. Some of them are attacked with characteristic paroxysms simulating angina pectoris often on holidays or on its next days. Although the pathologic mechanism is not yet clear, we have found ischemic changes in the patient's hearts by necropsy and in the heart muscle of rabbits experiment. At present, it is impossible exactly to predict and to prevent these paroxysms. But, on account of the fact that such paroxysms occur among workers employed for a long time, we think it is advisable to transfer to other jobs those workers with one or more clinically abnormal findings by continuous observation on long-time workers. As clinical abnormal findings in this case the Ministry of Labor is suggesting such items as fits simulating angina pectoris, chest pain, digestive disorder, headache, etc., i.e. subjective symptoms, as well as abnormality in the specific gravity of the whole blood, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, and liver functions, i.e. abnormal results by clinical tests and observations. We are suspecting further those who show abnormality by the cold pressor test, increase of fatty acids in the blood, relative increase of globulin against albumin in the blood, i.e. decrease of the ratio albumin/globulin, anesthesia of fingers, and central scotoma. (The above is a summary of the knowledge as advanced by the Committee for the Control of Nitroglycol Poisoning established in Japan Industrial Explosive Association in the autumn of 1960.)
- 1962-10-20
- 35. 冷凍作業の労働衛生学的調査
- 第3回中小企業衛生問題研究会総会の記録
- 特殊健診 (第32回日本産業医学会シンポジアム)
- 日本産業衛生学会創立50周年記念号の発刊にあたって
- 合成樹脂による健康障害 (中毒 : 有機非金属)
- 危険薬品の防災ラベル
- 有機溶剤取扱者の特殊健診
- 236. ニトログリコール中毒に関する研究 : (その1) 火薬工場作業者の健康診断成績 (中毒 : ニトログリコール)
- 日本におけるニトログリコール中毒問題の概要
- 前理事長鯉沼茆吾博士を偲ぶ
- 日本産業衛生学会回顧断片
- 産業医学の諸問題 (第8回日本産業医協議会記事)
- 変貌する労働環境, 三浦豊彦, A5版, 360頁, 2800円, 労研出版部, 昭和45年9月1日発行
- 定款改正案の検討に際してのお願い
- あいさつ
- 5. 学習機能をもつ職業病の電子計算機スクリーニングシステムの設計
- 産業領域における脳神経障害
- 第15回国際労働衛生学会に出席して
- 1. 有機溶剤中毒研究会 (第1回) (研究会の活動)
- 有機溶剤中毒予防委員会
- 5. 有機溶剤中毒研究委員会 ((研究)委員会の活動)
- 一酸化炭素中毒に関する報告 : 三井三池鉱爆発に関連して
- 3. 有害業務従事者の健康管理について (中小企業における衛生管理 : 有害業務対策を中心として)
- 3. 有機溶剤中毒研究委員会 (研究委員会の活動)
- 246. ニトログリコール中毒 (工業中毒(その他の有機物I))
- 火薬成分の毒性に関する研究 (その3) : 皮膚吸収に関する実験的研究
- 火薬成分の毒性に関する研究 (その1)
- 237. ニトログリコール中毒に関する研究 : (その2) 動物実験的研究 (中毒 : ニトログリコール)
- 141. キーパンチャーの手指障害 (特殊作業問題)
- 125. Benzene曝露の尿中代謝物質並びに血液所見に及ぼす影響について (工業中毒(有機溶剤))
- 7. 特殊健診で発見した二,三の症例
- 11. 日本におけるニトルグリコール(Ng)中毒
- 329. キーパンチャー手指障害 (第2報) (健康管理(II))
- 火薬成分の毒性に関する研究-1〜3-
- 3. 有機溶剤中毒健診,今後の問題点
- 特殊健康診断