熔接衛生に関する研究 (その4) : X線回折よりみた加熱時の熔接棒被覆剤の変化について
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In another report we described that a lot of dust raised at rapid heating of the coating materials of electrodes up to 300℃ or 500-800℃. To know chemical changes in the component minerals of the coating materials and chemical substances scattered as dust during arc-welding, I examined by the x-ray diffraction coating materials of the electrodes, which had been rapidly heated to the temperatures of 100℃ and over up to 1000℃ at 100℃ intervals respectively. Obtained results are as follows. 1) Although most component minerals of the coating materials suffered from no chemical change up to 600℃, complicated chemical substances began to be produced at 800℃. 2) The majority of components of dusts produced from the coating materials were in the state without chemical change, and only some of the dust components were the product of the thermal reaction. 3) It was considered that the irritation of the mucous membrane due to welding with a low hydrogen type electrode was not caused by fluorite, but by alkaline action of alkaline compounds and of dehydrated water glass. 4) Free silicates such as quartz and talc were included in the welding smoke. Therefore, it was considered that free silicates may have an important significance for producing the welder's lung.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
- 1967-10-20
- 125. 熔接時フォームの発熱因子について (II)
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- 128 熔接姿勢における筋電図
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- 114 滋賀県某金融機関従業員のD,M,FおよびDMF歯数(健康管理・健康診断,一般講演,第60回日本産業衛生学会・第42回日本産業医協議会)
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