Dinitroxyleneの毒性に関する研究 : とくにDinitrotolueneとの比較
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Nitrocompouds as the ingredients of explosives have been incriminated for a number of toxic manifestations in factory employees. Besides nitroglycerol and nitroglycol which constitute the main explosive ingredient, cyclic nitrocompounds such as dinitrotoluene (DNT) are commonly in use. The recent technological development has enabled a cheap supply of xylene, and hence the sustitution of dinitroxylene (DNX) for DNT is being seriously considered. This study was undertaken to compare the toxicity of DNT with that of DNX in mice and rabbits. The LD_<50> was determined under acute intoxication conditions and DNX was found to be less poisonous. Continuous administration of small doses to simulate chronic intoxication revealed a number of impairments in vital organs with either of the compounds, including anemia, methemoglobinemia, Heinz body formation and myelosuppresion. Blood chemistry and liver function studies demonstrated marked hepatotoxicity as demonstrated by increased GPT, retarded BSP clearance and decreased acetylating capacity of the excised and perfused liver. Acute intoxication gave rise to increases in NPN and urea N. Histological study showed myelosuppressive changes ranging from hypoplasia to aplasia, hemosiderosis, fatty metamorphosis of the liver, dilated sinusoids, and obliterating changes of lung arteries. Less marked were the changes of the heart muscle and too little morphological evidence was seen in the kidney to account for the increase of NPN. It was concluded that both DNT and DNX are highly poisonous if administered in large amounts to mice and rabbits, the latter being less toxic as far as the lethal dose is concerned. No demonstrable difference was noticed between the two in chronic intoxication when studied histologically, nor was there any difference elicited by blood chemistry and liver function study.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
- 1963-05-20
奥田 邦雄
西村 みつえ
三嶋 登志男
児嶋 弘司
竹中 俊助
篠山 勝海
林 昭雄
粟屋 博信
篠山 勝海
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