2192 鉄塔腹材の座屈長に関する実験的研究
28pZF-7 二塩基酸性を有するルベアン酸高分子で保護された金属超微粒子の性質
2216 送電用鉄塔トラスアームのねじり破壊実験
2192 鉄塔腹材の座屈長に関する実験的研究
2172 溶接形成山形材の座屈実験 : 座屈荷重に及ぼす残留応力の影響(構造,第1回 日本建築祭 研究発表会 学術講演要旨集)
29.新しいゼラチン系接着剤について : 第72回日本医科器械学会大会一般演題講演集
29.新しいゼラチン系生体用接着剤について : 第72回日本医科器械学会大会予稿集
2191 鉄柱主材の座屈長に及ぼす腹材の影響に関する実験的研究
1-19 鉄柱主材の座屈長に及ぼす腹材の影響についての実験的研究(材料・施工・構造)
洞爺湖サミットを終えて--全員参加への大きな一歩 (特集 洞爺湖からの提言)
Ab Initio Size-Consistent Calculations of Effective Exchange Interactions in Mesoscopic Magnetic Clusters Composed of Triplet Methylenes and Quartet Nitrogen Atoms
Theoretical and Experimental Studies of a Charge-Transfer Mechanism for Biomimetic Oxygenations of Phenol and Indol Derivatives
Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Studies of Singlet Oxygen Reactions of Olefins, Enol Ethers, and Enamines
座談会 新採用職員の意識 (特集 若き公務員に期待する)
X Window System における静止画階層表示の実現方式の検討
3-7 プレハブ住宅における要求品質展開(第23回研究発表会)
Synthesis of Transmembrane Protein, F_1F_0 ATP Synthase Subunit c, by Thioester Method
2P121 固体NMRによる膜に再構成した大腸菌由来H^+-ATP合成酵素の構造解析(膜蛋白質,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
The N-Terminal Helical Segments Modulate Structure and Lipid Interaction of Human Apolipoprotein A-I
Chemical Synthesis of the Extracellular Juxtamembrane-Transmembrane Region of the Thrombopoietin Receptor
Peptide Thioester Synthesis Based on an N-S Acyl Shift Reaction
2P332 Interaction of Arrestin with Phosphorylated Rhodopsin Cterminus Peptide(42. Sensory signal transduction,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
Studies on Structure-Activity Relationship of HTLV-1 Protease Inhibitors
Solid-Phase Syntheses of Olefin-Containing Protease Inhibitors Using Horner-Emmons Reaction
Synthesis of Opioid Receptor Like 1 (251-370) by Combining the Native Chemical Ligation and the Thioester Method
Synthesis of Olefin-Containing Cyclic Peptide Library Using the Solid-Phase Horner-Emmons Reaction
Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis Using N^α-Fmoc(2-F)-Amino Acid and Its Application to the Synthesis of Phosphorylated Peptide Thioesters
Total Synthesis of Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type-1 Protease via the Thioester Method
Synthesis of a Molt-Inhibiting Hormone of the American Crayfish, Procambarus clarkii and Determination of Its Disulfide Linkage
Synthesis of Phosphorylated Polypeptide Using an Expressed Peptide as a Building Block
N-S Acyl Shift Reaction on Peptide Backbone and Its Application to Preparation of Peptide Thioesters
Peptide Ligation That Involves an Intramolecular N to S Acyl Shift Reaction
Generation of an S-Peptide via an N-S Acyl Shift Reaction in a TFA Solution
Preparation of Peptide Thioesters Based on an N-S Acyl Shift Reaction