C06 モーションキャプチャシステムを利用した歌舞伎の特徴的動作の記録
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Kabuki is the theatricals containing dance, and, it is culture which has developed in people since it started at the Edo period. Although there are some which are called "kata" which action whose player expresses the feeling of a role formalized in kabuki, because a player's own device is added and performed after being based on it, the same program also changes action by the player. It is necessary to leave record of the action, for tradition. Action of kabuki is actually recorded using moti-on capture system. The purpose of this research is considering whether the data being effective. Since the recorded data was ac-tion of markers to the end, it was edited, it was made action of the frame of a human body, and applied CG model.
- 日本デザイン学会の論文
- 2004-05-30
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