音楽におけるエートスについて(分科会第二部会<音楽学>, 美学会第十回全国大会研究発表)
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From the view-point of "autonomische Musikasthetik", the ethos-theory of ancient Greek is not always right. But it seems that the aesthetical value of music has any kind of relation to the ethical value particularly in the "polis" of ancient Greek. For the consideration of this problem, it is not enough to reflect upon the correlation between work, sound and musician. Moreover we must think over the audience. Thus we can make clear the ethos-problem not only aesthetically but also sociologically. We should like to contemplate this essential problem by finding out the ancient Grecian music as an ideal image.
- 美学会の論文
- 1959-12-30
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- 音楽におけるエートスについて(分科会第二部会, 美学会第十回全国大会研究発表)
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