Phase I Study実施上の諸問題(新薬の臨床試験の実施をめぐって)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1988-01-01
- B-15 薬学生の外来診療見学実習に関する検討
- MCI-186(Edaravone)の第1相臨床試験 : 単回および反復投与試験における安全性と薬物動態の検討
- Phase I Study実施上の諸問題(新薬の臨床試験の実施をめぐって)
- 脾過誤腫の1手術例
- Metabolism of ketoprofen following single rectal dosage in elderly subjects.
- Nutritional management of an examinee in the clinic phase I study.The effect on liver function test under overnourishment.
- An evaluation of liver function abnormality in phase 1 clinical test.Especially on the study in placebo continual medication group.
- Effects of Ethanol on Metabolism of Benzodiazepine Hypnotics.
- Evaluation of the anti Hepatitis C antibody tests in the mass medical examination
- Blood level of benzodiazepine when a benzodiazepine sleeping pill and ethanol are taken together.
- Research on metabolism of Oxsoralen.
- Studies on the choice of subjects in clinical phase I tests. With emphasison evaluation of tranaminase levels prior to testing. 2.
- Studies on choice of subjects in clinical phase I study. Especially on evaluation of transaminase level tested before the study.