カンアオイ属Heterotropa, ウスバサイシン属Asiasarumの植物の化学成分とギフチョウLuehdorfia japonicaの食性の研究
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The leaves of Heterotropa and Asiasarum genera are specific food for a larvae, Luehdorfia japonica LEECH. The larvae of Luehdorfia japonica LEECH are attracted by the leaves containing three kinds of stimulating substances, the attracting substance, biting factor substance, and swallowing factor substance. The attracting substances were isolated from the ether extract of the leaves, and safrole, methyleugenol, and elemicin, the principal components of the essential oil of Heterotropa and Asiasarum genera, have a powerful attraction to the larvae. The biting and swallowing factor substances were contained in methanol and water extracts of the leaves, and these components have not been isolated. Agar jelly containing three kinds of stimulating substances were eaten by the larvae equally as well as the fresh leaves, and the larvae metamorphosed from pupae to imagines normally.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1969-08-25
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