Cyanogenic Glycosides and Glycosidase of Sorbus Species
- 論文の詳細を見る
Cyanogenic glycosides-prunasin (I) and amygdalin (II)-were isolated in crysatalline from Sorbus commixta, S. gracilis, S. sambucifolia, and S. matsumurana ; the glycosides were found in all tissues of the plant. The contents of the glycosides of Sorbus spp. distributed at higher elevation was more abundant than those of the Sorbus spp. at lower elevation. The contents of I and II were the most abundant in seeds (0.189%) and, among them, the content of I was ten times more than that of II in the plants. The activity of the glycosidase in the seeds was about ten times as high as that in other tissues.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1977-11-25
高石 清和
桑島 博
桑島 博
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinki University
高石 清和
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinki University
波田野 博子
Faculty of Pharmacy, Kinki University
呉 祐美
Faculty of Pharmacy, Kinki University
波田野 博子
Faculty Of Pharmacy Kinki University
高石 清和
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Kinki University
呉 祐美
Faculty Of Pharmacy Kinki University
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