- 論文の詳細を見る
Tsutsugamushi disease and its etiological agent, Rickettsia tsutsugamushi, were discovered by Japanese pioneers, followed by its appearance not only almost everywhere Japan, but also in China and Southeast Asia. The incidence of the disease in our country decreased after the Second World War and, between 1965 and 1975,only a few patients were detected. However, since 1976,the number of patients with this disease in Japan started to increase and, recently about 900 patients were dectected every year. In the initial part of this review, the author refers to the recent profile of Tsutsugamushi disease in Japan, and recent knowledges about the relation of vector and rickettsia, and in the latter part, reviews the progressing studies on R. tsutsugamushi obtained in the author's laboratory, such as, the development of experimental technologies, rickettsial multiplication cycle in the host cell, discovery of various antigenic variants, chemical and antigenic structures of the rickettsia, and finally, mentions about the future problems on the disease and the rickettsia.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1987-10-25
多村 憲
多村 憲
Department Of Microbiology Faculty Of Pharmacy Niigata University Of Pharmacy And Applied Life Scien
- B18 アラトツツガムシからのツツガムシ病リケッチアの検出と生活史
- 上部消化管内視鏡の患者間洗浄法の検討 : ブラッシングの有用性
- アラトツツガムシ中の恙虫病リケッチアの検出, 分離, 及び分離株の性状解析
- 酸性次亜塩素酸水の消化器内視鏡消毒への応用(強酸性水との比較) : H. pyloriに対する殺菌効果と金属腐食性および安定性
- 強酸性水と酸性次亜塩素酸水の等張条件下での細胞毒性と殺菌効果
- B17 アラトツツガムシより分離した Orientia tsutsugamushi の性状解析
- 強酸性水と酸性次亜塩素酸水の殺菌効果の比較
- B15 京都府岩滝町に分布するツツガムシの Orientia tsutsugamushi 保有状況の調査
- 2段階PCR法によるRickettsia tsutsugamushiの検出および血清型の同定
- 59 ロシア極東地域におけるツツガムシ
- B13 フィリピン, ルソン島のツツガムシ
- Demonstration of Antigenic and Genotypic Variation in Orientia tsutsugamushi Which Were Isolated in Japan, and Their Classification into Type and Subtype
- Phylogenetic Characterization of Orientia tsutsugamushi Isolated in Taiwan According to the Sequence Homologies of 56-kDa Type-Specific Antigen Genes
- Epidemiological Survey of Orientia tsutsugamushi Distribution in Field Rodents in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, and Discovery of a New Type
- Isolation of Orientia tsutsugamushi from Leptotrombidium fuji and Its Characterization
- 恙虫病病原体Orientia tsutsugamushiの微生物学
- Isolation of Orientia tsutsugamushi from Patients in Shikoku and Finding of a Strain Which Grows Preferentially at Low temperatures
- Decreased Prevalence of Orientia tsutsugamushi in Trombiculid Mites and Wild Rodents in the Primorye Region, Far East Russia
- 恙虫病リケッチアOrientia tsutsugamishiと宿主ツツガムシとの共生関係について
- 恙虫病と恙虫病リケッチア : 特にリケッチアの伝播機構と抗原型の多様性
- 恙虫病リケッチアに関する最近の知見
- A-41 ロシア極東地域で採集された Neotrombicula 属の 1 新種について
- Penetration of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi into Cultured Mouse Fibroblasts (L Cells):An Electron Microscopic Observation
- Observations of the Same Whole Cells Infected with Rickettsia tsutsugamushi Means of Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Intranuclear Rickettsia tsutsugamushi in Cultured Mouse Fibroblasts(L Cells)
- Purification of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi by Percoll Density Gradient Centrifugation
- ドットブロット法による恙虫病診断法の検討
- 各種化学療法剤に対するRickettsia prowazekii,R.rickettsii,R.sibiricaおよびR.tsutsugamushiの感受性の比較
- リケッチア・ツツガムシの病原因子
- リケッチア・ツツガムシに関する基礎微生物学的研究
- ウイルス学の本
- 最近分離した恙虫病リケッチアの化学療法剤感受性について
- リケッチア
- 感染細胞計数法によるRickettsia tsutsugamushiの簡便な感染価測定法について
- 各種化学療法剤に対するRickettsia prowazekii, R. rickettsii, R. sibiricaおよびR. tsutsugamushiの感受性の比較
- リケッチア・ツツガムシの病原因子
- 感染細胞計数法によるRickettsia tsutsugamushiの簡便な感染価測定法について