- 論文の詳細を見る
Histamine release from mast cells is intimately related with degranulation. When basic histamine releasers such as compound 48/80 were applied extracellularly to isolated rat mast cells by means of microelectrophoresis, localized degranulation was evoked near the tip of micropipet in a few seconds. In response to the second electrophoretic application at the opposite side of the membrane of the same mast cells, similar local degranulation was induced. This fact clearly indicates that local degranulation does not damage mast cells to the extent of blocking following degranulation. As intracellular electrophoretic application of compound 48/80 caused a swelling of mast cell, although no degranulation was elicited. When antigen-antibody reaction was induced in a single rat mesentery mast cell by means of microelectrophoresis, the application of antigen was made extracellularly or intracellularly. At the site of extracellular application, localized degranulation and histamine release were evoked. Histamine release was evidenced by the disappearance of histamine fluorescence in the degranulated area. Neither degranulation nor histamine release was induced by intracellular application of antigen. In freeze-fracture electronmicroscopy of the resting rat mast cells, intra-membrane particles (IMPs) were randomly distributed on the plasma membrane. When sensitized cells were exposed to antigen, IMPs were markedly dispersed so as to surround bulging regions of the membrane elicited by swollen granules. As the particles gathered at the periphery of the bulges, actually no particle was seen on the protuberant region. When rat mast cells loaded with quin 2 were exposed compound 48/80 in a Ca-free medium, a marked increase of quin 2 fluorescence was noticed, indicating that Ca^<2+> was released from intracellular Ca store. The binding of ^<45>Ca was at its peak in the fractions where the highest activity of glucose-6-phosphatase, a marker enzyme for the endoplasmic reticulum, when organelles of mast cells were fractionated. This may indicate that intracellular Ca store is endoplasmic reticulum. It has been shown that microfilaments, and microtubules play some important roles in histamine release from rat mast cells. When permeabilized mast cells were stimulated with Ca^<2+>, a translocation of protein kinase C from cytosol to membrane fraction was observed. This leads to phosphorylation of vimentin, one of intermediate filaments. In membrane skeletons of rat mast cells, α-and β-fodrin, ankyrin and actin were found by means of western blotting analysis. It was supposed that membrane skeleton may be useful as a barrier between the plasma membrane and the granule membrane.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1994-03-25
- イブニングシンポジウム 9 : I型アレルギーにおけるhistamineとhistamine receptorsの最新知見 : はじめに
- 90.ラット腸間膜肥満細胞における脱顆粒の電気生理学的研究(Chemical Mediator)
- Hyaluronidase-Inhibitory and Anti-allergic Activities of the Photo-Irradiated Products of Tranilast
- 神経ペプチドとケミカルメディエ-タ- (第29回脳のシンポジウム) -- (神経系とサイトカイン)
- 440 肥満細胞内Ca storeからのCa^遊離における細胞骨格の関与
- 119 肥満細胞内Ca storeからのCa^放出とその抑制について
- 140 膜流動性とリン脂質メチル化の相互独立性
- 82 ラット肥満細胞内アクチン分布の変動とヒスタミン遊離
- 59.NCO-650の抗アレルギー効果について(抗アレルギー剤)
- 58.人工膜系を用いたヒスタミン遊離抑制機構の解析 : NCO-650の作用機序を中心として(抗アレルギー剤)
- 23. ヒスタミン遊離に及ぼす2価陽イオンの影響(chemical mediators)
- 62. ヒスタミンのイヌ鼻粘膜噴霧の際みられる局所インピーダンスの変動(鼻・眼アレルギー)
- 5. ヒスタミンによる気道抵抗増大(喘息 (病態生理))
- 490 抗アレルギー薬のactive avoidance responseに及ぼす影響について
- 111 肥満細胞のホスファチジルイノシトール代謝およびヒスタミン遊離に及ぼすcAMPの影響
- 442 肥満細胞からのヒスタミン遊離におけるピロテインキナーゼCの関与
- 54.dextran sulfateのヒスタミン遊離抑制作用(ケルカルメディエーター)
- ヒスタミン遊離研究の展開
- 1. 肥満細胞とヒスタミン (9 I型アレルギーにおけるhistamineとhistamine receptorsの最新知見)
- 日本薬学会教育賞受賞大和正利氏の業績
- 4. マスト細胞と脱顆粒 (II マスト細胞とアレルギー反応)
- ヒスタミン遊離をめぐる最近の展開 : シグナル伝達と細胞機能調節
- 4.抗アレルギー薬とニューロペプチド(V アレルギー反応とニューロペプチド)
- 最近の抗アレルギ-薬の開発動向 (難治性疾患治療薬への挑戦--現状と展望)
- シグナル伝達と細胞内骨格との関連性(生体膜研究の展望)
- 血小板からのメッセージ(III アレルギー反応における細胞間相互作用 : 顆粒球・血小板を中心として)
- 第8回生体膜と薬物の相互作用シンポジウム
- 416 Substance Pのhistamine遊離作用における機序の解析
- 135. 6-ethyl-3(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)chromone(AA-344)の気管支喘息に対する効果(抗アレルギー剤)
- 26 マウス腹腔における遅延型過敏反応の成立
- 守られざる2つの原則(四年生の講座配属)
- 2. 肥満細胞・好塩基球 : a)肥満細胞よりのヒスタミン遊離とその機構について(4 細胞由来の chemical mediators (マスト細胞, 好塩基球, 好酸球, 好中球))
- 2. 抗アレルギー薬の作用点解析(4 抗アレルギー剤の基礎と臨床)
- 1-(4-Methoxy-6-Methyl-2-Pyrimidinyl)-3-Methyl-5-Methoxypyrazole(DA-398)のヒスタミン遊離抑制効果について
- ラットの脳波および行動に及ぼす4-(p-chlorobenzyl)-2-[N-methylperhydroazepinyl-(4)]-1-(2H)-phthalazinone hydrochloride(Azelastine)の影響