- 論文の詳細を見る
The experimental studies on the improvement of electrode materials used for the electrolytic enrichment of tritium and on the establishment of rapid procedure for the analysis of tritium and its application to tritium monitoring in environmental surface water at south Osaka area were carried out. The more efficient recovery rate and reappearance of tritium were obtained by the trial of the exchange of the electrode material from nickel (Ni) to iron (Fe) at high current condition. However, by considering the electrolytic corrosiveness of iron, a combined multi plate electrode of Fe (-)-Ni (+) (an effective surface area ; 63cm^2) was adopted. In the case of such operational conditions that a current density ; 180 mA/cm^2 and a cooling temperature ; 5℃ using a 100 ml glass cell inserted into the electrode, time required for decreasing the volume of sample solution from 100 ml to 15 ml was more than 22 h. In addition the recovery rate and the concentration ratio of tritium were 90% and 6 times respectively. Then, the tritium activity of the water sample could be counted rapidly with a relative counting error of ±20% for 4 h in a low level liquid scintillation counter. By the trial using the above mentioned method for the tritium monitoring in environmental surface water at south Osaka area from 1986 to 1992,it was proved that the tritium activities decreased to the naturally producing level of tritium (BG) during this term and the decreasing half times of tritium concentration in this area by dilution were about 4 years.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1997-04-30
- 放射性有機廃液の焼却処分--無機塩添加法による前処理と焼却
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- 放射性有機廃液の焼却のための前処理--無機塩添加による解乳化と脱水
- 放射線管理
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- 放射線管理
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- 放射線管理
- P10. 生薬の殺菌法の検討 : 電子線照射殺菌法(滅菌・消毒・洗浄II)
- γ線照射によるペプシン製剤の酵素活性の変化
- 放射線管理
- 放射線管理
- 放射線管理
- 放射線管理
- 放射線管理
- 放射線管理
- 放射線管理
- 放射線管理 (中井洋太教授退職記念特別号)
- 資料 放射線管理
- 放射線管理 (中村勝一教授退職記念特別号)
- エチルアルコール中のトリチウム測定法の開発と日本酒の成分別分析への適用
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- ドクダミ中の^Csの挙動
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- 放射線管理
- 放射線管理
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- 生薬製剤の製造工程と殺滅菌用線源の選択
- NEWS 生薬の放射線殺菌の動向
- 放射線管理
- 保物セミナー2000「金属スクラップ中の放射性物質」に参加して
- 日本保健物理学会若手研究会夏期セミナー 1999「放射性廃棄物処分の基準整備と環境影響評価手法」を開催して
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- 種々の環境試料中トリチウムの分析技術
- 放射線管理
- タイトル無し
- Concentration of natural radioactive nuclides and mineral compositions in soil in relation to their sizes.
- :Removal of Radioactive Strontium by Co-precipitation with Barium Sulfate
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