:Removal of Radioactive Strontium by Co-precipitation with Barium Sulfate
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The principal co-precipitation mechanism of radioactive strontium with barium sulfate is the isomorphous replacement between Ba2+ and Sr2+ in the crystal. Thus, the removal ratio of radioactive strontium from an aqueous solution depends on the equilibrium constant, solubility product and quantities of barium sulfate, and SO42- concentration.In low salt concentration, the equilibrium constant, K, for barium sulfate which was prepared with the reaction of Ba2+ and SO42- in the test solution was 1.9×10-4. On the other hand, the equilibrium constant for powdered barium sulfate added was Ks=9.1×10-6.In a high salt concentration less than about 3×10-1mol/l NaCl and NaNO3, and less than about 1.0mol/l Na2SO4, the experimental removal ratio agrees with the calculated values. But in high salt concentrations ranging from 3×10-3mol/l to the saturated concentration of NaCl and NaNO3, ranging from 1.0mol/l to the saturated concentration of Na2SO4, the experimental removal ratio decreases.
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