Dissolution Behavior of Flufenamic Acid dispersed in Cross-linked Insoluble Polyvinylpyrrolidone : Effect of Water-soluble Polymers added as the Third Component
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Dissolution profiles of flufenamic acid (FFA) dispersed in cross-linked insoluble polyvinylpyrrolidone (polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, PVPP) were investigated by a dispersed amount method. The concentration of FFA rose very quickly and then decreased gradually, showing a typical supersaturation phenomenon. On the other hand, no supersaturation phenomenon was observed in the case of samples prepared with crystalline cellulose and potato starch as carriers in solid dispersions. In an attempt to stabilize the supersaturated state, the effects of the addition of water-soluble polymers to solid dispersions of FFA and PVPP were investigated. An adequate stabilization was obtained by the addition of methyl celluloses. Analysis of factors affecting the dissolution profiles of FFA and prediction of the dissolution behavior of FFA were carried out by a statistical technique. It was found that the penetration rate of water into sample powders, the amount of FFA adsorbed by PVPP, the cohesion tendency of sample powders the viscosity of the dissolution medium were important in the analysis of dissolution mechanisms and prediction of dissolution profiles of FFA from these systems.
- 1982-10-25
高山 幸三
南部 直樹
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hoshi University
永井 恒司
Hoshi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
南部 直樹
Hoshi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
高山 幸三
Hoshi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
今泉 宏之
Nagoya Branch, SS Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
今泉 宏之
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hoshi University:(present Address)ss Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
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