Variations in Cellular Polyamine Compositions and Contents of Vibrio Species during Growth in Media with Various NaCl Concentrations
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In order to obtain insight into the possible physiological significance of norspermidine[NH_2(CH_2)_3NH(CH_2)_3NH_2], which is characteristically present in the genus Vibrio, we have determined the cellular polyamine contents of Vibrio alginolyticus and V. parahaemolyticus during growth in media with various NaCl concentrations. Regardless of the medium NaCl concentration, the norspermidine content, on a per mg of protein basis, was highest in the early exponential phase and then declined with prolonged cultivation, whereas there was only a slight chage in spermidine, the content of which was much lower than that of norspermidine throughout growth. Moreover, at higher NaCl concentrations, norspermidine was the major polyamine throughout growth. When the cells were suddenly exposed to media with various NaCl concentrations, the content of norspermidine increased immediately or after an initial precipitous drop with the onset of growth, but that of spermidine did not change markedly. The putrescine content of these vibrios was substantially elevated only when the cells were grown in or transferred to media with lower NaCl concentration. This pattern of polyamines suggests that, instead of spermidine, norspermidine might play some important role(s) in supporting growth, whereas putrescine may be mainly involved in maintaining cellular ionic or osmotic balance against a lower NaCl environment.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1986-07-25
篠田 純男
篠田 純男
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University
山本 重雄
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
中尾 浩史
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
中尾 浩史
山本 重雄
山本 重雄
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University
山本 重雄
吉田 智子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
小山 美代子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
橋本 美枝
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
吉田 智子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University
橋本 美枝
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University
小山 美代子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University
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