1830年代におけるJournal des Dames et des Modesの編集とメディア機能
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In this research, we studied issues of the 1830s' mode magazine Journal des Dames et des Modes as our source of material and, from the transition of its appearance and editing, discussed the effect of the media on this magazine. We analyzed both fashion plates and placed articles, paying particular attention to "mode" articles. Looking at its contents and the transition of its volume year by year, we tried to find out the place of "mode" in the magazine. The magazine renewed its cover design in 1835, and changed the allocation of "mode" articles. Although this magazine carried articles on various fields, including events held by the polite society, life-related matters, stage arts, literature, etc., comment on current trends and articles about "mode" occupied the highest ratio of pages, enabling us to recognize the importance of "mode" and commentary on it. We were also able to recognize that this magazine was a source of acquiring practical knowledge about social life of the time. On the other hand, a look at the closing issues of the magazine revealed a new trend in the relationship between the magazine and the media in those days, including cooperation with other companies.
- 2005-11-15
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