多点プロジェクション溶接における移動現象(第 2 報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
One of the most conspicuous merits of projection welding is the application of multiple projection welding, whereas prevailing conditions are mostly for single projection welding. In practice, the application of single projection welding is rather rare. In the case of multiple projection welding, if we multiply the welding condition (current, electrode force) based on the single projection welding by the number of projections, an enormous capacity is required and it is not feasible in practice. So, welding current and electrode force have come to be reduced and accordingly the size of projection should be minimized. In case we apply the multiple projection welding with minimized zize of projection, projection nuggest is inclined to move and the weld strength lowers sometimes. It is the purpose of our experiments to scrutinize the cause and mechanism of movement and to obtain the specific index for welding design and procedure. The following experiments were done with the pneumatic pressure fixed to zero and only with the dead weight of upper movable part. i) Series projection welding ii) Moving condition in various welding currents. In the next experiments, the welding machine was set horizontally and carried out varying the following points : i) mass of movable part. ii) size of projection. iii) thickness of mating plate. iv) distance between projections. v) stainless steel. vi) welding current. vii) electrode force. we could find the cause of movement as follows : a) in case the projection fuses, and the mating plate does not melt at the moment. b) no sufficient electrode force which is necessary for the welding part at the moment. c) strong electro-magnetic force by welding current.
- 1963-01-25
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- 雑感
- V-1 電気(V 機器)(日本における溶接の展望 (1967-1-12))
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- 点溶接における電極チップへの熱伝導
- IV-3 圧接(IV 溶接法および切断)(日本における溶接の展望 (1962-1-12))