バッテリを電源とするスポット溶接について(第 1 報) : 連続放電における溶接回数が溶接部強さに及ぼす影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
Spot welding is the most commonly used, because it is the simpliest, the lowest cost and the highest welding speed. On the other hand, the spot welding has the limitation that is demanded relatively heavy current for and extremely, usually, cycle unit. Therefore, the substation transformer or power supply becomes larger with increasing of welding transformer. In the point of this disadvantage it could not be applied to minor enterprises and field shops. In order to dissolve these problems, the battery type spot (electrochemical stored energy spot) welding system has been studied. In this system, the storage battery is connected to the primary of welding transformer and comprises the underlying principle that the electrical energy is stored at a low rate during a night, then discharge it at a high rate as required for welding during a day. This investigation evaluated the effect of the increasing of number of spots on the tensile shear strength in 1.0∿3.2mm thick mild steel.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1975-04-05
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