高窒素 18Cr-10Mn ステンレス鋼の点溶接について
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An experimental study was made on the spot welding of 18Cr-10Mn stainless steels containing high concentration of nitrogen up to about 0.8%, prepared by a high-pressure melting process in nitrogen atmosphere. Main results obtained were as follows. (1) In the spot welding of high nitrogen 18Cr-10Mn stainless steels, if ordinary welding conditions recommended for welding commercial austenitic stainless steels are adopted, we shall usually be able to obtain excellent and sound weld nuggets. (2) The spot weldability of the steels scarcely depends upon nitrogen concentration, and is about the same as those of commerical austenitic stainless steels. (3) But, in the steel containing high concentration of nitrogen i. e., more than 0.5%, expulsion and blowhole in the weld nugget increase a little. Therefore, in case of welding such a steel, better properties of the nugget will be obtained by adjusting welding conditions to prevent them. (4) The nitrogen contained in base metals scarcely diffuses out of the nugget even in the steel containing about 0.8% nitrogen. Consequently, the spot weld shear strength rises in proportion to the increase in nitrogen content and any decrease of it does not occur on account of nitrogen diffusion.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1970-02-25
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