爆発圧接境界の溶融層の研究(第 1 報)
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Dissimilar metals were bonded by using linear explosive and the constitution of fusion layer of bonded boundary was determined by X-ray microanalyser. The combination expected to form an intermetallic compound was estimated by X-ray diffractometer. The following results were obtained : 1) The fusion layer of combination (Ag-Cu, Cu-Ni, etc.) which was expected to make eutectic reaction or produce a solid solution formed a uniform solid solution. 2) The combination giving an intermetallic compound in equilibrium diagram was investigated by X-ray diffractometer. It was ascertained from X-ray diffraction pattern that the fusion layer consisted of an intermetallic compound. To determine the variety of intermetallic compound was difficult, because X-ray diffraction line was weak. An intermetallic compound of which the constitution resembled the experimental constitution of fusion layer was formed. 3) The fusion layer expected to fuse and mix existed on the bonded boundary of Ag-Fe in a un-solid solution (photo. 8), but the constitution was uniform.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1969-06-25
- 鋳鉄のエレクトロスラグ溶接(第 2 報) : 試作フラックスに関する 2,3 の検討
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