- 論文の詳細を見る
The Purpose of this investigation was to compare working efficiency of divergent nozzle and straight nozzle. From the nature of divergent nozzle which is primarly designed by the amount of oxygen flow and the throat area, oxygen pressure of a given divergent nozzle has to be always kept at constant pressure. Therefore, experiments were carried out with each 2 sets of divergent and straight nozzles having design variables as shown below : 1) Oxygen pressure : 3.5kg/mm. Amount of oxygen flow : 2766 1/hr 2) Oxygen pressure : 4.0kg/mm. Amount of oxygen flow : 3806 1/hr. Keeping other factors at constant, structural steel of 12,20,25 and 50mm thickness were gas cutted with various cutting speed by both type of nozzles. Equal results were obtained by either type, that is, cutting speed at zero drag and maximum cutting speed obtainable were found to be exactly equal. Since the amount of oxygen flow is diffrent; above result shows that the cutting efficiency of divergent nozzle is superior to that of straight nozzle. 27.4% of oxygen consumption can be saved by using divergent nozzle. Ideal shape of divergent nozzle for different thickness of steel plate, that is, proper operating pressure and throat area are to be obtained through repeated and systematic investigation of this kind.
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