アフターアーク現象(第 2 報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Authors have already published a part of the themes about the after-arc phenomena, the aim of which is to contribute to the improvement of the stability of the arc as mentioned in § 1. In our 1st repor we have mentioned the special behaviors of the after-arc with D. C. arc, and in this report we will clarify the same phenomena with A. C. arc, in which the perfect results in measuring the arc voltage will be explained. Experimentally, much effortsahave been made at the following points; a) To fix the phase of the current at the interruption. b) The phase of the power source be changeable at the reignition. The former has been done by use of the thyratron, to the grid of which the impulse generated at the zero-point of the arc current was applied, and the latter was made possible by combining the other thyratron with the proper relay circuit. In reference to the measurement of the arc voltage, the vacume tube was used in order to catch the small voltage without disturbing the arc space through measurements. The following conclusions are illustrated; a) The after-arc phenomena with A. C. arc have a kind of characteristics of rectification, and on the case of the electrode negative it continues longer than the case of the reverse. b) The interrupter voltage V_i begins to decrease immediately after the arc resistance R_a became to be comparable with the oscillo. resistance R_o.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1956-05-25
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