DERIVATION OF THE ALBUMIN WHICH INCREASES WITH THE SKELETAL MUSCLE HYPERTROPHY(Biochemistry & Endocrinology)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 2002-12-25
Takahashi Mitsuhiro
Department Of Life Sciences Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Yamada Shigeru
Department Of Food & Health Sciences Faculty Of Human Life Sciences Jissen Women's Universi
Yamada Shigeru
Department Of Life Sciences Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Yamada Shigeru
Department of Biological Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo
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- DERIVATION OF THE ALBUMIN WHICH INCREASES WITH THE SKELETAL MUSCLE HYPERTROPHY(Biochemistry & Endocrinology)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
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