紫外 : 可視領域分光光度計を用いたルビーの識別
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It is one of the very important subjects for gem-testing organizations to establish reliable methods of distinguishing natural from synthetic rubies. The discovery of new producing districts and the arrivals of new synthetic stones make it more difficult. In this article, it is intended to demonstrate how natural and synthetic rubics can be distinguished non destructively and quickly by means of spectroscopic observations on UV-VIS range, Ruby is basically a corundum tinted red with Cr, but it generally includes other elements as well as impurities. These impurities are different in sorts and contents depending on localitis or synthetic methods, which result in the differences of absorption spectrum seen in the UV-VIS range. Natural rubies from contact metamorphic rocks (e. g., Myanmar etc.) and synthetic one produced from the melt phase (Berneuil process or pulling process etc.) contain only a small amount of impurity elements, and show the absorption spectrum characteristic to Cr, wheras these from regional metamorphic rocks (e. g., Sri Lanca, etc.) or basalt (e. g. Thai, etc.) show the absorption spectrum strongly influenced by impurity elements other than Cr. Also, for the identification of natural and synthetic, it is usefull to use the Ruby-Diagram which is proposed in this paper and is a diagram to compare the permeability of blue window and UV.
- 宝石学会(日本)の論文
- 1996-12-31
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