ショウジョウバエの変異と環境 VIII. : 硫酸銅に対する抵抗性II
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We have already reported that the flies, whose parents had been cultured in 0.5 mM CuSO_4-containing medium, showed higher pupation rate and emergence rate in 4 mM copper-medium than the flies which had never been contacted with copper, and the former developed faster in 4 mM copper-medium than the latter. Further studies on the effect of culture in 0.5 mM or 4 mM CuSO_4-containing medium during larval stages on the copper resistance of the next generation have been executed, using Drosophila melanogaster Oregon RS as experimental material. Main results of the experimental described in paper are as follows. (1) Number of eggs laid by the flies cultured during various larval stages in 0.5 mM copper-medium were not different from each other and from the normal flies. However, a considerable difference in hatching rate was observed between the eggs laid by the copper treated flies and the normal flies. (2) Emergence rate of the flies different in their careers were tested gaining the following results: a. Emergence rate of the flies, whose parents had been cultured in 0.5 mM copper-medium, was higher than that of the normal ones, when tested in 4 mM copper-medium, in which the survival rate of the normal flies was about 50%. b. When cultured successively in 4 mM copper-medium, the emergence rate decreased by degrees; a statistically significant difference was observed between the 1st and the 2nd generations, whereas the difference between the 2nd and 3rd generations was not statistically significant. c. When the flies, whose parents had been cultured in 4 mM copper-medium, were cultured in the normal Pearl's medium, the emergence rate was again recovered to the level of normal flies. (3) It seems to be capable of explaining from the experimental results described above and reported previouly that the copper resistance can be acquired through some adaptive changes evoked during the development in 0.5 mM copper-medium, without any selective actions of copper.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1959-12-15
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