フナ(Carassius auratus L.)の口腔に見られる味感球の形態と分布
- 論文の詳細を見る
1) The chemical sense organs found in oral cavity (inclusive of pharyngial and branchial cavities) of Carassius auratus L. are observed as the taste buds only. They are not confined to the palatal organ and gill rakers, but found in the anterior oral cavity, and even the inner surface of opercles. 2) Between the distribution of taste buds and the arrangement of palatal organ, gill archs and pharyngial teeth, there is a closed and immediate connection with relation of a course of foods. 3) Each taste bud has occupied an upper surface of taste papilla or an epidermal surface from lamina propria to a little opening, pore canal, on its free surface. They are not distributed in trench among taste papillae, or in subsided epithelium. 4) The relationship between the morphological patterns and distributions of the taste buds have been described together with dividing into the three main types by the remarkable variations of the forms and sizes (Table). In each type, there is no difference in their constructive cells. Type I is distributed in the epidermal layer of a very wide region. Yype II and III are confined within narrow limits: the former is densely distributed on the palatal organ (density: 1300〜2000/mm^2), and the latter is rarely observed on the inner surface of opercles, or the side of wall of anterior oral cavity. 5) The size of taste buds in common types (whole of I and some of II) does not change attendant upon growth of fish body, but in Type III, a tendency of change is weakly in evidence. The buds of gill filaments are found to apper first there at a given body length, and their sizes are same throughout the growth stages. 6) The external supporting structure of the taste buds embedding in holosecretory glandular epithelium is described here in detail.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1956-09-15
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