線虫Rhabditis ikedai TADANOの雌雄同体について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Observation to determine the reproductive pattern of Rhabditis ikedai TADANO was made. The isolated worms from Incillaria confusa COCKARELL are cultured on the K20-culture media containing the powder of the mulberrytree's leaves and then these fertilized eggs are individually cultured on the media containing the extract of the powder by the hanging-drop method. Some strain of the worms are usually dioecious, and they are composed of the worms which maintain commonly the stable sex-ratio having approximately equal numbers of the males and the females, but often the unstable having more numbers of the females than the males. Other strain are composed of the female-formed hermaphrodite which is regarded as the female-modified one and of the males arising very rarely among the self-fertilized progeny but generally the males do not arise at all. In the early stage, the hermaphrodite takes place almost the same morphogenesis as the female. A spindleshaped germinal rudiment of the hermaphrodite is at the ventral side in the central parts of the larva. This consists of the somatic terminal cells, the somatic cells at its central part and the genital cells lying between them. With these development, this genital cells show difference in size. In the ovary, large cells grow up into oogonia, and small and dark granular cells which firstly appear in the ovary, large cells grow seminal receptacle and then in several parts of the oviduct, are the spermatogonia and they grow up into the spermatozoa. Therefore, spermatozoa and oocytes alternately appear to arrange in the oviduct. In the spermato- and the oogenesis, both types of R. sechellensis and R. gurneyi have been shown. The longer oviduct is remakably bending and the vagina lately opens. The worm grows to larger size and reproduces more than the femaie. The tail plumps out already at early stage of the adult. In compliance with the feature mentioned above, the hermaphrodite is distinguishable from the female.
- 1956-11-15
- 綜合討論(発生・実験形態)
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