イダテンギンポ Dasson japonicus (BLEEKER) に就いて
- 論文の詳細を見る
The markings of the young of Dasson japonicus, about 35 mm long to the caudal base, are shown in Fig. 1. The dark longitudinal streaks characteristic to the adult develops gradually from the series of the dark spots on the upper part of the body of the young fish shown here. The two anal spines of this spcies are left unnoticed frequently, because of their minute size, especially the anteriormost one. In the male, the urogenital duct opens at the tip of a tubular process which leans slightly backward (Fig. 2). In the young female about 35 mm long, the urogenital process is provided on its two sides with a pair of dermal membranes (Fig. 3, A, ug'), which connect the process to the abdominal skin. In this stage, a pair of glandular swellings (sw 1) is developed already on both sides of the anal insertion. In larger specimens about 50 mm long, the two dermal membranes connect with each other to make a continuous dermal covering on the urogenital process (Fig. 3, B, ug'). At the same time, another pair of swellings (sw 2) bulge out from the primary swellings (sw 1) on both sides of the anteriormost anal spine. These swellings bury the anal spine to the extent that only the distal end of it protrudes like a minute papilla, so that the spine is hidden by the two bulges when viewed from the side. The dermal covering becomes larger and thicker with the growth of the female. Consequently in the adult female, the urogenital process is completely concealed under the thick fleshy covering (Fig. 3, C, and 4, ug'). The primary swellings are dilated lateroposteriorly (Fig. 3, C, sw1), and besides a pair of broad but not distinct glandular swellings (sw 3) appear on both sides of the fleshy covering. In the adult of this species, the tip of the anteriormost anal spine sticks out at a short distance behind the posterior margin of the fleshy covering, while in the allied species, such as D. trossulus, elegans, loxozonus, and Blennius yatabei, the tip of the spine is situated close to the margin of the covering.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1952-01-15
- ヤナギハゼXenisthmus clarus (Jordan et Seale)について(分類)
- オキタナゴの雌雄, バラハナダイの尾鰭, その他(形態・分類)
- Parioglossus属の魚類(生態・分類)
- 魚学
- 日本産熱帶系ギンポ科魚類の著るしい性徴(予報) II
- イダテンギンポ Dasson japonicus (BLEEKER) に就いて
- 再びナベカ Dasson elegans (STEINDACHNER) 及びイソギンポ Blennius yatabei JORDAN et SNYDER に就いて
- クモギンポ Dasson loxozonus (Jordan et Starks) に就いて
- ニジギンポ Dasson trossulus(Jordan et Snyder)に就いて
- コケギンポZacalles bryope Jordan et Snyderに就いて
- ヒメギンポEnneapterygius bapturus (Jordan et Snyder)に就いて
- 日本産熱帶系ギンポ科魚類の著るしい性徴(豫報)
- ヘビギンポEnneapterygius etheostoma(Jordan et Snyder)に就いて
- イソギンポBlennius yatabei Jordan et Snyderに就いて
- ナベカDasson elegans (Rteindachner)に就いて
- 中支の魚類數種に就て
- G. J. DEVINCENI, L. P. BARATTINI y D. LEGRAND, Album Ictiologico del Urguay, 1926-1940
- クルメサヨリHemirhamphus kurumeusの分布と日本産サヨリ科の魚に就きて