無脊椎動物の中腸腺の構造と機能に関する研究 : I.軟體動物の中腸腺の細管の形態に関する比較研究
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Many researches had been done to investigate the structure of the midgut-gland of animals, but, hitherto, little attention has been paid to distinguish the morphological differences of these crgans throughout the invertebrates. The object of the present paper is to record some morphological differences of the tubules between four classes of Mollusca. 1. The sections of the midgut-gland of 23 species were investigated. 2. The numbers of the tubules embedded in 0.9 mm^2 of the sections, are roughly equivalent in the different species of the same classes. General averages of these numbers are in Placophora 65.8, Pelecypoda 95, 7, Gastropoda 176, and in Cephalopoda 24.2 (Table II, A). 3. Average lengths of the lumen-outlines of tubules embedded in 0.3mm^2 of the sections are longer in Pelecypoda (1546 μ) and Cephalopoda (1581 μ) than in Placophora (897 μ) and Gastropoda (1261 μ) (Table II, B). 4. The length proportions of the outlines of the tubular lumens to the basement membranes embedded in 0.3mm^2 of the sections are as follows; Placophora 0.44, Pelecypoda 0.618, Gastropoda 0.748, Cephalopoda 0.98. They show the tendency to increase from lower species to higher ones (Table II, C.). 5. Different conditions occured in Cristaria Cipanogopaludina and in Onchidium (Table II, Figs. 5, 7, 10). 6. The functional significances of these morpholoigcal differences of the tubules are now under investigation. Explanation of figures 1 to 12 Comparison of tubules of the midgut-gland in cross section. blackarea-outline of tubule, white area-lumen of tubule, grey area-connective tissue, area of radial line-duct. 1. Ischnochiton comptus, 2. Ostea gigas, 3. Brackidontes senhousia, 4. Anadara subcrenata, 5. Cristaria plicata, 6. Meretrix lusoria, 7. Cipanogopaludina malleata, 8. Haliotis gigantea, 9. Bradybaena similaris, 10. Onchidium verruculatum, 11. Dolabella scapula, 12. Octopus vulgaris.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1950-06-15
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