天草産キンセンウミウシGymnodoris striata (ELIOT)の記録
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Trevelyana striata ELIOT 1908, pp. 100-101. -Red sea; VAYSSIERE 1912, pp. 61-66, pl.1, figs. 4-5; pl.3, figs. 33-38. -Jibuti. Gymnodoris striata O'DONOGHUE 1929, pp. 809-811, fig. 222. -Suez Canal. Analogium striatum RISBEC 1928, pp. 194-198, fig. 59; pl. B, fig. 5; pl. 5, figs. 8, 11.-New Caledonia. Length of animal about 8mm. Body smooth, limaciform. Rhinophores without distinct sheaths. Branchiae 10, simply pinnate, without a sheath; arranged transversely across the body in a shallow curve concave posteriorly. Anus immediately behind the branchiae. Mouth with a pair of lobiform tentacles. General body-colour translucent white, with a chrome yellow line on frontal and dorsolateral margins and also on body-sides; a similar line running transversely immediately in front of branchiae. Rhinophores and branchiae tipped with chrome yellow. Rudula formula 6×11-12.0.11-12. First lateral tooth very small, split into 3-4 short spines; 2nd lateral tooth as usual awl-shaped with an outer accessory spine; the succeeding teeth of the same general form as the 2nd, increasing in size from within outward. Two hermaphrodite glands. No labial armatures. Loc.: Tomoika, Amakusa (Jun. 1937; 1 sp., on Zostera marina). This conspicuous species with which our specimen practically agrees in the external form, colours and radula, has been repeatedly recorded from Red Sea region and once from New Caledonia. In 1928 it was made RISBEC the type of the genus Analogium. But apart from the fact that this latter has a more or less crescentic arrangement of branchiae there can be no reason for separating it from Gymnodoris where the branchiae run in a complete circle or a horseshoe open behind. Indeed the difference between the two genera, as far as it concerns the arrangement of branchiae, appears rather of degree than kind.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1937-06-15
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