- 論文の詳細を見る
The paper discusses the results on in-situ rock shear tests that were examined at 11 sites in Hokkaido. The failure processes and displacement patterns resulting from these were related to the geological conditions. These are summarized as follows : 1) There aro four types of displacement patterns, defined N type, J type, R type and S type. Each content in total test is 53.1 %, 18.8 %, 17.2 % and 10.9 %, respectively. 2) N-type occoured at the geological conditions which were soft and non clear joint-ie, pyroclastic rocks, Tertiary sedimentary rocks, etc. The basic friction angles are from 25° to 45°. 3) J-type occoured at the geological conditions which were clear joint-ie. Volcanic rockes, Pre-tertiary sedimentary rocks, etc. The basic friction angles are from 30° to 40°. 4) R-type occured at the special geological conditions which were very hard and nearly intact rocks. 5) S-type occured also at the special geological conditions which were crashed, or very soft, rock, often by faulting.
- 一般社団法人日本応用地質学会の論文
- 1977-08-30
- オルカリア地熱発電所・マサイマラ国立公園 : 第4回海外応用地質学調査団報告 (その3) : 学会記事
- 最近考えさせられること
- 北海道における応用地質学的諸問題の現状
- ブロック剪断試験による岩盤の剪断強度について
- 花こう岩分離面のせん断強度特性
- 地質分離面のセン断強度特性の岩盤試験への利用の一例
- 花こう岩分離面のせん断強度特性
- 割れ目の自己相似的分布を利用した岩盤強度評価 : ラダニイ強度式の原位置岩盤への応用
- 岩盤の剪断強度に関する一考察
- 孔内透水試験に関する二,三の考察
- 8. ボーリング孔内透水試験に関する二,三の考察 : 応用地質学会北海道支部総会並びに講演会