- 論文の詳細を見る
Half or partial extirpation of endoderm in Amphibian neurula was performed in order to investigate the regulative power of the endoderm, using the embryo of Hynobius nebulosus. After the extirpation of anterior half of the endoderm (Experiment 1, Fig. 1a), the formation of complete digestive tract was obtained in the early neurula, but the formation of fore-gut failed in middle or late neurula. In the case of partial extirpation (Experiment 2, Fig. 1b), the removal of ventro-posterior corner of the fore-gut even in the middle or late neurula, resulted in the perfect formation of fore-gut in nearly all cases. These results show that the regulative power of the endoderm is strong enough to repair the small part even in the middle or late neurula stage. It will be concluded that the regulative power of the endoderm decreases gradually as the development goes on, and that the endodermal organs are not confirmly determined in the late neurula stage. When the perfect regulation took place, the remainded posterior endoderm migrated toward the anterior region, and differentiated "ortsgen ass, " namely into the fore-gut. If this migration was insufficient and the cells of endoderm were not enclosed by the lateral mesoderm, but in contact with the ventral epidermis, the regulative differentiation of fore-gut did not occur. Therefore, the lateral mesoderm seems to have some important meanings to the regulative differentiation of fore-gut from the endoderm.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1953-08-15
- 綜合討論(発生学・実験形態学)
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