有肺類の性現象に関する研究 : II.コウラナメクジLimax flavus L.における両性腺の季節的消長について
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Authors have studied the slugs Limax flavus L. with an interest in its complete hermaphroditism wherein both male and female reproductive cells are present. Whether sex reversal occurs is not known, however, and it is difficult to prove the male and female are of both sexualities. Cyto-histological studies were conducted to examine sexual vicissitudes in the hermaphroditic gland of the slug, Limax flavus L. The slug were kept alive for several years in the laboratory and had a yearly breeding season. Since the male and female reproductive cells grow independently in the same gonad without antagonistic functions, cyto-histological methods were used to study the gonads from one breeding season to the next period. The slugs lay eggs in November-December, and the gonad in this period is nearly filled with spermatozoa, although there is no spermatogonium in it. Female reproductive cells are found in a small amount in spite of the breeding season. This period is thought to be a declining phase of the male activity (Figs. 15-16). In January-February, the gonads make many wide spaces by the ejaculation of spermatozoa, and the female reproductive cells form yolk substances near the germinal epithelia, by means of no male sexual cell. This appears to be the rest period of the gonad (Figs. 1-4). In March-April, spermatogonia in the gonad appear rapidly and the spaces become filled with spematogonia. Spermatogenesis begins and spermatozoa are formed after metamorphosis (Figs. 5-6). In May, many spermatozoa are recognized in the gonad. This is the first peak of the male active waves (Figs. 7-8). June-July, is the copulationperiod. A few spaces are found in the gonad, but the male activity may be said to be remarkable. Spermatozoa and male metamorphosing cells are remarkably observed. The growth of the female reproductive cells may be observed especially from this period (Figs. 9-11). In August, spermatozoa in the gonad may disappear, but spermatogenesis is active (Figs. 12-13). In September-October, many spermatozoa, male cells in metamorphosis and spermatogonia remain remarkably in the gonad, and the gonad is filled with these male sexual cells. The female reproductive cells increase in volume till breeding season. This is the second peak of male activities after April-May (Fig. 14).
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1963-06-15
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- 有肺類の性現象に関する研究 : II.コウラナメクジLimax flavus L.における両性腺の季節的消長について
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