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For investigating biochemical changes in the vitelline coat during the process of oocyte maturation, we developed a simple method for isolating the vitelline coat from immature oocytes of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera. Fully grown oocytes with germinal vesicles were obtained by a method described elsewhere (Kishimoto, et al., 1976). Isolated oocytes without follicles were homogenized by hand at 0℃ in 10 volumes of modified van't Hoff's artificial sea water (ASW)(Shirai, 1973) with a Potter Elvehjim glass homogenizer equipped with a Teflon pestle. The homogenate was washed four times with ASW, following centrifugation at 1,000rpm for 1 min. The white vitelline coat fraction was drawn off. An electron microscopic observation revealed that the isolated vitelline coat is a single loose layer without a plasma membrane or microvilli (Fig. 1-a), which protrude into the vitelline coat in the case of intactoocytes. The isolated vitelline coat appeared to become more compact and thinner after treatment with 1-methyladenine (Fig. 1-b). The changes induced by 1-methyladenine treatment seem to be comparable to those observed in the whole oocyte (Hirai et al., 1971).
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1978-06-25
- ヒトデ卵成熟における卵表因子についての二, 三の知見(発生学)
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