正中隆起上衣細胞の走査型電子顕微鏡による観察 : I. ウズラの正中隆起
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The apical surface of the ependymal cells of the median eminence was observed using a scanning electron microscope in Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica. The ependymal cells in the dorsal region of the median eminence have finger- or rod-like microvilli and bulbous protrusions on the apical surface. The surface structure of ependymal cells was not different between the anterior and posterior regions of the median eminence. On the apical surface of the ependymal cells lining the roof of the lateral recess of the median eminence, there are many clusters of cilia, bulbous protrusions and rod-like microvilli. The role of these fine structures of the ependymal cell surface is discussed in relation to the involvement of the ependymal cells of the median eminence in the mechanism controling the hypophysial function. In the floor region immediately posterior to the optic chiasma, stellate cells and spindle-like cells with long processes were observed among the bulbous protrusions of the ependymal cells.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1975-06-25
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- 正中隆起上衣細胞の走査型電子顕微鏡による観察 : I. ウズラの正中隆起